
First dietary consultation

consultation with a dietitian in the form you choose (stationary consultation – dietitian Krakow or video advice – online dietician or teleportation)
detailed health interview;
detailed nutritional interview;
analysis of the results of laboratory tests at your disposal;
anthropometric examination and / or diagnostic examination by BIA method and their analysis;
setting short and long-term goals and the course of the diet therapy process;
support at every stage of achieving the goal;
individual dietary and supplementation recommendations.


First dietary consultation + personalized diet plan

consultation with a dietitian in the form you choose (stationary consultation – dietitian Krakow or video advice – online dietitian or teleportation);
detailed health interview;
detailed nutritional interview;
analysis of the results of laboratory tests at your disposal;
anthropometric examination and / or diagnostic examination by BIA method and their analysis;
setting short and long-term goals and the course of the diet therapy process;
support at every stage of achieving goals;
individual dietary and supplementation recommendations + personalized diet plan with a complete recipe and shopping list.


Follow-up consultation

  • konsultacja z dietetykiem w wybranej przez Ciebie formie (konsultacja stacjonarna – dietetyk Kraków lub videoporada – dietetyk online lub teleporada);
  • kontrola realizacji wyznaczonych celów i procesu dietoterapii;
  • badanie antropomentryczne i/lub diagnostyczne metodą BIA oraz ich analiza;
  • ocena zmian w budowie ciała;
  • omówienie efektów i zaplanowanie dalszych celów;
  • wsparcie na każdym etapie osiągania celów;
  • indywidualne zalecenia dietetyczne i suplementacyjne wspierające proces dietoterapii.

Follow-up consultation + personalized diet plan

consultation with a dietitian in the form you choose;
control of the implementation of the goals and process of diet therapy;
anthropomentric and / or diagnostic examination using the BIA method and their analysis;
assessment of changes in body structure;
discussing the effects and planning further goals;
support at every stage of achieving goals;
individual dietary and supplementation recommendations supporting the diet therapy process + personalized diet plan with a full recipe and shopping list.
